United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) summit (Habitat III), Quito, Ecuador (3 presentations), October, 2016.
Safe and Secure Cities (SAIC), International Development Research Centre (Canada) funded by DFID, Nairobi, Kenya, May-June 2017
Co-convenor of panel ‘Exploring the art of public engagement in migration and refugee research’ (with K.Datta), Association of American Geographers (AAG), New Orleans, April 2018.
Royal Geographical Society-IBG, University of Cardiff, Landscapes of Violence, August 2018.
School of Politics & International Studies (POLIS), Leeds, November 2018.
Gender and Symbolic Reparations in Comparative Perspective, King’s College London, January 2019.
Plenary panel, Visual and Embodies Methodologies (VEM) Network launch event, KCL, March 2019.
Co-Covenor, VEM network workshop on arts-based methodologies in the study of conflict, violence and marginalisation in/from the Global South. KCL, June 2019 (with Negar Behzadi, Jelke Boesten, Rachel Kerr, Pablo de Orellana).
Plenary, Disconnected Infrastructures conference, London, June 2019.
Keynote, Salzburg Conference in Interdisciplinary Poverty Research on Migration and Poverty, University of Salzburg, September 2019 (McIlwaine)
Migrant Women’s Rights workshop, Latin American Consul Group, King’s College London, October, 2019 (presentations by McIlwaine and Evans)
ESRC Festival of Social Science/VEM network workshop, Art and Exclusion Art & Exclusion: ‘Speaking up’ through theatre & poetry’ (with Negar Behzadi and Jayne Peake), October 2019 (McIlwaine)
Violence Against Migrant Women in London: resistances and decolonial perspectives, Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia do Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (CIES/IUL), Portugal, December 2019 (McIlwaine)
Urban Futures and the Future of Interdisciplinary Urban Research, University of Oxford, January 2020 (McIlwaine)
Queen Mary University of London Latinx Society, Latin Americans in London and Latin Village, February 2020. (McIlwaine)
VAWG among migrant Brazilian women, Honorary Brazilian Consuls, Consulate of Brazil, London, September 2020 (Evans)
Rethinking Cities and Gender in the global South. Building Gender Responsive Urban Spaces and Services / Webinar 14 of 30 episode Series by INHAF and Partners with Safetipin, Delhi, September, 2020 (online).
Violencia contra mulheres migrants e nas fronteiras, Escola de Servicio Social, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, October, 2020 (Evans)
Departmental seminar, Department of Geography, University of Leeds, February 2021 (Mcllwaine)