In this section you’ll find articles published on the projects, click on the links to read or download:
In this section you’ll find articles published on the projects, click on the links to read or download:
Falas de Mulheres das Favelas sa Mare, no Rio de Janeiro sobre Violencias. Rio de Janeiro: Appris Editora (2019). Portuguese.
Women Resisting Violence: Voices and Experiences from Latin America, Practical Action/Latin America Bureau: Rugby/London (2022).
Cuidado e Luta: inquietações sobre as dimensões subjetivas e institucionais da violência, Dados Internacionais de catalogação na pulicação (CIP) – (2023). Portuguese.
Gendered urban violence among Brazilians: painful truths from Rio de Janeiro and London, Manchester University Press: Manchester. (2024).
Embodied counter-mapping of the continuum of gendered urban violence and resistance in the favelas of Maré, Rio de Janeiro. Urban Geography. (2024).
Countermapping SDG 5 to address violence against women and girls in the favelas of Maré, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Journal of Maps, 19: 1, 2178343. (2023).
Building emotional-political communities to address gendered violence against women and girls during COVID-19 in the favelas of Maré, Rio de Janeiro London. Social and Cultural Geography. (2022)
Gendered urban violence against women and girls from the margins to the centre. Urban Violence. Amin, A. & Clarke, H. (eds.). London: British Academy, 27-31. (2021)
O Direito à Cidade de Mulheres: Uma análise sobre suas limitações a partir de violências infraestruturais de gênero contra brasileiras em Londres e na Maré, Rio de Janeiro. Revista de Direito da Cidade 13 (2), 954-981. (2021). Portuguese.
Violência de Gênero e Desigualdade Racial em uma Pesquisa com Mulheres no Território Conflagrado do Conjunto de Favelas da Maré/Rio de Janeiro. Revista Trabalho Necessário V. 19, n. 38: ‘Trabalho, gênero e feminismos’. (2021). Portuguese.
Creative translation pathways for exploring gendered violence against Brazilian migrant women through a feminist translocational lens. Manuscript submitted for publication to Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. (2024).
Navigating migrant infrastructure and gendered infrastructural violence: reflections from Brazilian women in London. Gender, Place & Culture – A Journal of Feminist Geography. (2022)
O direito à cidade de mulheres: uma análise sobre suas limitações a partir de violências infraestruturais de gênero contra brasileiras em Londres e na Maré, Rio de Janeiro (Negotiating women’s right to the city: gender-based and infrastructural violence against Brazilian women in london and residents in Maré, Rio de Janeiro). Revista de Direito da Cidade, 13: 2, 954-981. (2021). Portuguese.
Urban Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) in transnational perspective: reflections from Brazilian women in London. International Development Planning Review, 42, (1), 93–112. (2020).
Olhares sobre Violências contra Mulheres a partir de um Conjunto de Favelas. Associação Brasileira de Ensino e Pesquisa em Serviço Social / Periódicos UFES, v. 16 n. 1, Anais do XVI Encontro Nacional de Pesquisadores em Serviço Social, 1-17. (2018). Portuguese.
Not as safe as houses: experiences of domestic violence among international migrant women. In J. L. Waters, & B. SA. Yeoh (Eds.), Handbook on Migration and the Family (pp. 232-248). Edward Elgar. (2023).
Gendered urban violence against women and girls from the margins to the centre. Urban Violence (pp. 27-31). British Academy. (2021).
Memories of Violence Against Women and Girls across borders: Transformative gender justice through the arts among Brazilian women migrants in London. Gender, Transitional Justice and Memorial Arts: Global Perspectives on Commemoration and Mobilization (pp. 211-229). Routledge. (2021).
What is activist art? – Sophie Stevens interviews Gaël Le Cornec and Cathy McIlwaine. In A. de Madeiros, & D. Kelly (Eds.), Language Debates: Theory and Reality in Language learning, Teaching and Research (pp. 185-192). John Murray. (2021).
Feminised urban futures, healthy cities and Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG): transnational reflections from Brazilians in London and Maré, Rio de Janeiro. Urban transformations and public health in the emergent city. MUP Press: Manchester. (2020).
Exhibition Booklet: Who’s Behind Your Order? – Migrants in Action (2023).
We still fight in the dark: Evaluation Findings, Reflexions, and Lessons for Policy and Practice. Project Report. (2022).
Resistance Practices to Address Gendered Urban Violence in Maré, Rio de Janeiro. Research Report. (2022).
Resistance Practices to Address Gendered Urban Violence in Maré, Rio de Janeiro. Key Findings and Policy Recommendations. (2022).
‘We can’t fight in the dark: Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) among Brazilians in London (full report). (2018).
‘Não se pode lutar no escuro’: Violência Contra Mulheres e Meninas Brasileiras em Londres (Long report in Portuguese). (2018).
Report: Violence Against Women in Complexo da Maré (Rio de Janeiro). (2018).
McIlwaine, C and Evans, Y (2018) ‘Não se pode lutar no escuro’:Violência Contra Mulheres e Meninas Brasileiras em Londres (breve relatório).
‘We can’t fight in the dark: Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) among Brazilians in London (short report)
‘SCAR’ installation – Creative evaluation report written by consultant Christie Tiller
Exhibition Booklet: Dignity and Resistance. King’s College London. McIlwaine, C., Peppl, R., & Santos, P. (2022)
Body Territory: Mapping women’s resistance to violence in the favelas of Mare, Rio de Janeiro. King’s College London: London. (2022).
Digital Storytelling among women artists resisting violence in Maré, Rio de Janeiro: Building a memory collection for the Museum of the Person. Research Report. (2022).
Murcia, A and McIlwaine, C (2020) Gender-based Violence in Maré, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Violence Against Migrant Women: a review of risk factors and barriers to accessing help a review of risk factors and barriers to accessing help. (2018).
Report: Violência Contra Mulheres no Complexo da Maré, Rio de Janeiro. (2028). Portuguese.
Report – Brazilian Women in London: a profile. (2018).
Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG): a spectrum approach, QMUL: London. (2018).
Violência contra mulheres e meninas (VCMM): uma abordagem sobre o estado da arte. Queen Mary, University of London: Queen Mary, University of London. (2016). Portuguese.
Supporting Brazilian Women in London: Service Provision for Survivors of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), QMUL: London. (2017).
Story mapping: Resisting violence, creating dignity (2022).